Friday, December 17, 2010


when ones heard that u're studying,
they may think that u're good-hardworking,
the things here.. are all thing that we learn (study),
may completely being absorb by our mind??
some for sure, but maybe not all..

issue for today: how t0 get an excellent result??

study is not everything to success, 
it just one factor for being smart..
mind me to give u some tips,
starting from when u woke up in the morning...

when u woke up, make sure, before u get off from the bed,
raise a short doa {doa bngun tidur}..
wake up early at least at 5.30 am everyday..
bcoz, after sleep, ur brain needs at least 2 hours to start processing..
go and have a bath..
after praying {subuh} continue with reading some surah..
especially Yassin. u should at least
read Yassin once in the morning after praying everyday..
then prepared ur self..
and dont forget to have a BREAKFAST!!!
breakfast is the most important meal..
while hearing lec's vOice {teaching} 
sit properly with good posture so that,
u'll not feel drowsy..
pay at least 80% attention towards the topic..
digest it properly n quickly..
(how to digest??.. repeat IN MIND, the word that being
said by lec, and understood!!)
after class..
go and have another bath..
pray, and do anything that u want..
BUT!! remember to have a look for ur study at night..
timing ur study, and stop 5 minutes for every 30 minutes of studying
sleep on 12...
before sleep.. do THREE things!!
1; raise the doa {doa tidur}
2; get a good position
3; FORGIVE n FORGET one's fault..
make sure there's no disturbance...
n have a good sleep..

p/s: it's a rough english..dont t8 to serious bout the broken vocab-nouns-verb..

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